Sunday, April 30, 2006

Lunchtime Fitness

Many people have difficulty getting to a gym, walking, running or workingout at home in the morning or evening due to child, family or work obligations. These reasons are certaily legitimate. But you won't do yourself or your family any favors by caring for them and making money while neglecting your health.

Larger corporate environments often offer ftiness facilities. Sadly, these facilities generally are underutilized. And with the seemingly weekly opening of a new gym in every area, there is sure to be a gym located within 5 minutes of your worksite.

So what if you did your workouts during the lunch hour? Have you considered it? Have you ever asked your employer? You could start the workday 1/2 hour earlier or extend it 1 or 1/2 hour at the end of the day. When I used to workout at lunch time I found several advantages:
  • Travelling to work at "off rush hour times" was less stressful and I got there more quickly with fewer cars on the road.
  • I got more work done with fewer distractions while the office was less populated.
  • The lunctime crowd seemed less social so the workout went faster (this is a plus and a minus).
  • You won't be lured to fattening lunh environments. Take your own food and eat at your desk or work station when you finish the workout.

In addition to going to a gym you could walk (by yourself or without others) or ride a bike. I used to take my bike to work when I worked in a location that had a shower in one of the men's rooms. The "Tow Path" in Princeton, NJ was my favorite place to ride. It was picturesque and I felt great in the environment. The point, make it fun, think outside the box, just ask the boss, be creative and find a way to do it. Your family and employer will work with you and you'll be a good fitness role model for your kids and co-workers.

John Hudome, DCH

"Workout and eat as if your life depended on it."

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