Thursday, June 29, 2006

Take Control: Monitor Your Food Intake

If you don't monitor your food intake, how do you know how much you're eating? By monitor, I mean write it down and measure it accurately. This is easily done with a nutrition monitoring program. I recommend doing so on your computer with This program has most foods loaded into it's system and you simply click on a list of foods and and them to your daily intake journal. You can buy it for $20.00 to load into your PC or Laptop, or use the free version on the net.

Fitday also gives you measurements for the calories burned doing various forms of exercise.

Whether you're losing weight or gaining, you can get better results if you have an idea of what your consumption is. Use it. You'll learn to rely on it.

John Hudome, DCH
"Workout, eat and live as if your life depended on it."

Coaching takes you to higher levels

All professional atheletes have a coach. Many, like Michael Jordan, credit a caoch (Phil Jackson) with taking and already good game to a higher level.

So why don't more of us apply this strategy to our own game of weight loss, fitness and having a great body? Mostly it's because people just don't think of it or they don'y know that great life coaches are out there. I've been coaching for many years now. In addition to the hypnotherapy that I utilize to help people reach there goals, I coach for success.

You can take advantage of a free coaching teleseminar on Monday, July 10 at 8:00 PM ET. Just send an emai to register@johnhudome to register and get the telephnone number and pin. Log onto the site at to get more detail.

John Hudome, DCH
"Workout, eat and live as if your life depended on it"

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone!

That's right, get out of that comfort zone of yours. We all live in what I call our "comfort zone." This is nothing more than the familiar. It's the stuff and the life and way of living that you've always know.

But if you stay there, you don't grow. You don't learn. And, worst of all, your dreams may not come true. That's right, your dreams are outside of the daily familiar. They're outside of the "comfort zone."

Human instinct is to retreat to the safety of the zone when we feel dis-comfort. I'm telling you to do it differently. Here are your new steps:
  1. Do something new or different toward achieving your particular goal.
  2. Feel the dis-comfort.
  3. Reframe the feeling from "oh no" to "Alright, this means I'm growing and achieving my desired goal."
  4. Get excited
  5. Take a deep breath and KEEP GOING!

Step outside that zone and make it all happen. Remember, life is an adventure. What's an adventure without a little excitement?

John Hudome, DCH

"Workout and eat as if your life depended on it."

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Templates and Paradigms

We acquire life Templates and Paradigms early in childhood. These are the beliefs by which we operate our lives, for better or worse. Sometimes these are useful and empowering. Often, however, they are limiting or disabiling.

I'll write more extensively later. I want to plant some seeds for now. You have Templates and Paradigms about everything. Let's just look at Templates and Paradigms about Aging. Consider the following false but common Limiting Beliefs (Templates or Paradigms) which influence people's behavior and choices:
  1. Everybody gains weight as they get older.
  2. You slow down as you get older.
  3. You can't build muscle when you get older.
  4. 50 is old.
  5. Old means... (lots of limitations).
  6. Men can't get erections after a certain age.

These are but a few. Consider the following more empowering thought patterns.

  1. I can maintain a great body and healthy weight for my entire life.
  2. I intend to go strong my whole life.
  3. I see older guys at the gym building great bodies and I will to.
  4. 50 is the new 30 and I feel great.
  5. Old is other people, not me. I feel young and vibrant.
  6. My unit works better than ever (and I'm more skilled with it than when I was younger).

Do you see the difference? Did you feel the difference as you read them? Even if they made you laugh, could you feel it or sense it? Do it. Live it. Create and say empowering self-statements daily. Make your life happen the way you want it to, not the way they said it should.

John Hudome, DCH

"Workout and eat as if your life depended on it."

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Unconscious Blocks Are Holding You Back

Whether you know it or not, unconscious are holding you back. Not maybe, not might, it's definitive. No matter how well you're doing or how successful you are, you have unconscious mental and emotional blocks that are limiting your success.

Obviously (or maybe not so obviously), as you clear away these blocks, you achieve more of what you want. As the next weeks procede, I will tell you about how I help people do this. It's amazing. It works. And I want to help you clear your blocks so that you too can have all of what you want. See you soon.

John Hudome, DCH
"Workout and eat as if your life depended on it."

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Playing To Win: Putting it all together

So here's the formula:

  1. What's Your Game? First step is identifying what game you're really playing. Is it making money? Is it helping others? Just what is it? This isn't always as easy as it sounds. Sit down at a computer (or pad and paper if you live in 1980) and just start to write the answer. Free associate. Don't screen anything. Just write it all down. When you get your game, you'll know it.
  2. What Does Winning Look Like? Think about it. If you don't know what it will look like when you win, how will you know how to play? How will you know what to do?
  3. Identify Others Whom Already Have What You Want! Don't re-invent the wheel. Formulas (or is it formulae?) for success are all around you. Just look for them and reproduce it.
  4. Remind Yourself Of These Steps And Goals EVERYDAY!!! You have to go for it everyday. No letting up.
  5. Map Out A Plan And DO IT!!! Just go for it. Pursue your dreams relentlessly. Become the dream.

Call me or send me an email if you need coaching to get there. I have a coach. Tiger Woods has a coach. Michael Jordan had a coach. Sometimes we all can use a professional a** kicker, if you know what I mean.

John Hudome, DCH

"Workout and eat as if your life depended on it."