Wednesday, May 03, 2006

2 Secrets to Guaranteed Weight Loss

Very few things in life can be "guaranteed." And I don't know if I can actually "guarantee" that doing these things will cause weight loss for you. But what I do know is that these two things will definitely be the best nutritional steps you could ever take and you will begin to move more quickly toward your weight and fitness goals.
  1. Eliminate Flour from your diet, completely. That's right, completely. Flour products have no place in your diet program.
  2. Eliminate Sugar from your diet, completely. You don't need it. Sugar is the single most destructive thing that you can do to the metabolism of a human being.

Sounds simple, huh? Well it is and it isn't. Consider how many things you eat with flour products included in them: sandwiches, cake, muffins, pancakes, toast, pizza, pretzels, pasta, mac and cheese, rolls, pie, and on and on and on. We have become addicted to flour. Breaking this addiction takes about a week of "cold turkey" withdrawal. You will feel miserable and experience cravings from about day 2 through day 4 or 5. Do it. Suffer through it. The reward is worth it. Learn to eat other things.

Sugar is another story. Most "regular" meal type foods that we all prepare do not have sugar in them. This is an easier withdrawal. Isn't it interesting that sugar is an easier withdraewal than flour? Learn to make coffee, tea, dessert, etc. without sugar. Better yet, learn to eat "real food" instead of snack or treat food.

Please note: Most of the time when I tell people to "eliminate flour from your diet" they reply by saying, "oh, so you don't eat carbs at all." WRONG. You need carbs. I said "flour" not "carbs." Get your carbs in the form of things like oatmeal, fruit, yams, rice, veggies, green salad. I take in anywhere from 38-50% of my daily intake in the form of carbs(The other two catagories are proteins and fats. You need some fat too but that's a blog for another day.). Check with your nutritional consultant to find what percentage of carbs is right for you. You need carbohydrates in your diet. You just don't need flour or sugar. Like Trump, tell them "you're fired."

John Hudome, DCH

"Workout and eat as if your life depended on it."

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