Wednesday, May 10, 2006

3 Secrets to Great Abs

Look at the cover of any men's health or fitness magazine. Something all of the guys on those covers have in common is great abs. Achieving great abs seems to be the biggest mystery to many gym members and fitness hounds. It's not quite as difficult as you might think. Here's the formula:
  1. Crunches. Ok, so you knew this one. Here are some specifics. Work your abs only 2 times a week. Too many people think that every day will build abs faster. Abs are "abdominal muscles" and need recovery time just like all other muscles. You wouldn't work your chest every day, would you? And when you do your abs, vary the types of ab exercises that you do, on the mat, bench, ball and various machines. Remember to do the obliques as well as upper and lower abs.
  2. Cardio. You have to burn that fat away. We all have a six pack under there but the layer of fat over the abdomen conceals it. My abs didn't really pop until I got my fat percentage down below 11%. Check with a trainer to see what your fat percentage is and what it should be. Many guys get popping abs at 12%. For women, yours will be higher as you have a naturally higher body fat percentage than men. Now, burn baby burn.
  3. Nutrition. The final cut is your nutrition. If you don't eat right, you won't get the ab results you want. Eat junk and you'll look like junk. Eat lean proteins low in fat and healthy carbs like veggies and yams and rice. Eliminate flour and sugar from your diet. Be sure to eat enough. Your abs will show for at least a little while if you under eat but they will fade quickly as you just begin to look like a skeleton. Eat right and eat enough. Consult a trainer with a nutritional background and use a nutrition log system such as to be sure that you're eating enough. A common mistake is under-eating.

Now go for it. Abs are hot and you can have them at any age. They will give you that "wow" factor at the beach or local pool party. I guarantee that people will ask you what you've been doing.

John Hudome, DCH

"Workout and eat as if your life depended on it."

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