Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Three Y's of Successfull Fitness Training

The three Y's of successful training are:
  1. ConsistencY: The more consistently you get to the gym and eat right, the better your results.
  2. IntensitY: Your workouts, runs or whatever routine you do must be consistently intense to achieve serious results. If you workout like a slacker, you'll get slacker results.
  3. VarietY: Vary your routine to avoid boredom or burnout.

Keep these in mind and you're sure to be successful. Incorporate them into your fitness regimin and you'll see serious results.

John Hudome, DCH

"Workout, eat and live as if your life depended on it."

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Workout Intensitiy Level Is Key!

I see it all the time at the gym. People slowly walking around, casually lifting a dumbell, doing a rep or two. It looks boring, and from the disinterested looks on the faces of these fitness slackers, it is boring. These are the people wondering. "why aren't I getting the results I want?"

They aren't getting results because they aren't working hard enough. The answer? "Become aware of your intensity level and keep it up throughout your entire routine. You know when you're really giving it a good effort. Increase the effort and you will reap the rewards.

John Hudome, DCH
"Workout, eat and live as if your life depended on it."

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Action Plan... Stay in the Action

So, are you into your action plan? If not, get into one. If you are, congratulations, and keep it going.

It's all about doing something. Do something everyday toward your goal. Keep the action going. Momentum matters. Just keepit moving and it will take on a life of its own.

John Hudome, DCH
"Workout, eat and live as if your life depended on it."

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Action Plan

Wow, it's been an entire month since I've added to this blog. I've been so busy pursuing my goals, I haven't written. That being said, let's get going.

Have you set goals? Set them high enough that they rock you? Good! Next step, create an "Action Plan." An action plan is a step-bystep road map to gettin to that goal. Start at the end. follow these steps.
  1. Write the date the goal will be completed.
  2. Write down the strategies you will use to get there (writing, working-out, journaling food intake, etc.).
  3. Write down the resources necessary (computer, equipment, etc.).
  4. Write daily tasks for achievement (this used to be called a "to do" list).
  5. Review it all daily.
  6. Start NOW (DO IT NOW).

More later. Get going.

John Hudome, DCH

"Workout, eat and live as if your life depended on it."