Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Immigration Problem or Racism?

Ok, so the current immigration debate in our country (USA) has nothnig to do with "Fitness Motivation." That's true. But I felt that I had something to say, so here goes.

I find it interesting that our radio and television talk show moderators have taken the Illegal Immigrant problem and broadened it to an Immigration problem. I am in favor of Immigration. I am opposed to Illegal Immigration. We all know what the difference is, right? Immigrants enter the country through open and legal means. They are registered and are here on a visa (a permit of sorts) which is time limited and states the purpose for which they are here. Illegal Immigrants sneak into the country on planes, boats or across rivers or on highways. The Illegals are not registered and stay for any period of time that they want and often work manual labor jobs for reduced salaries. This hurts American workers and drains the healthcare and social service system. Any problem so far?

One of the problems that I see is that the only Illegals we hear complaints about are people of color, usually Mexicans, Haitians, Cubans... you get the picture. I don't hear complaints about the European Illegals. Oh yes, there are some. What about the Irish kids in Sea Isle City, Atlantic City and Wildwood, NJ every summer. Are they all legal? They weren't in the '80's when I knew some of them. Maybe times have changed. Are all of the cute Swedish young women babysitting children legal? I'm just wondering. Do you see the difference yet? Do you see that the ones people complain about aren't white? Isn't that racism?

On a radio talk show tonight on 1210 AM, The Big Talker in Philadelphia, the host stated his concern that by the year 2020, the country will be predominately people of color from black and latino heritage. And the problem is? He complained that more salsa is sold in the USA today than ketchup. And the problem is? Would we be complaining if we ate more Danish than Twinkies? I don't think anyone would care. Why the fear over anything that is not white? I think it's racism. Any chance I'm on to something?

I guess the Native Americans were comfortable with the white immigrants from Europe hundreds of years ago, right? It must have comforted them that the white immigrants ate the buffalo just like the natives did. So at least the "salsa dilema" wasn't dirtying the water. How'd that buffalo thing all work out anyway? Not so good?

As for Immiration overall. Most of us wouldn't be here if not for immigration. I think most people are hypocritical on the subject. Once again, I am FOR Legal Immigration and OPPOSED to Illegal Immigration. I'm also opposed to disliking people because of the color of their skin or because their culture is different from mine and I just don't take the time to understand it.

So here might be some of the possible solutions:
  • Differentiate between Legal and Illegal immigrants.
  • Penalize those here illegally and any future illegals. Deport them and have an agreement with their countries government that their country jail them. We shouldn't pay to keep them warm and fed in our prison.
  • Make the rules for immigration to this country clear and available. I think they already are clear and available.
  • Create diversity education and have it present in schools as well as in locations available to adults.
  • Educate the media about racism and discrimination.
  • Remind Americans that America was founded on priciples of acceptance of difference, hence the "metling pot" concept. America will change. It always has. Get over it. Embrace it and have some salsa.

    Let me know what you think. Oh, and to the people that have already let me know (however covertly) that they don't like the way I write, thanks for the feedback. I haven't stopped yet.

    John B. Hudome, DCH
    "Workout and eat as if your life depended on it."

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

7 Keys to Excellent Sports Performance

It's one of my favorite times of year, spring. That means baseball time (and softball if you're like me and still play). I love it. I love the sound of the ball hitting my leather glove when warming up. I love the feeling of a cleanly hit line drive ball. You can feel it if you hit the ball well. So it made sense to me to write about sports performance with so many of us returning to the field for yet another season. Although I play for fun, I like to play well also.

So much of any athletic game is "mental." This isn't new. You've hear it before. But what does this really mean? And, how do we use our mind to achieve positive results? Here are 7 Keys to Excellent Sports Performance.
  1. Love the game you're playing. Don't play it for your parents, coach or because girls or guys will like you better. Play whatever game you play because you love it. This really goes for everything in life. Love what you do. It will show.
  2. Decide what you want. This means to have an idea in your head of how well you want to perform. This step happens repeatedly through an entire game. When you get ready and leave for the field, you should have an idea (a picture or vocal commentary) in your mind of how you will play today. How will you look, sound and feel while playing? Decide ahead of time just how excellent you want to be.
  3. Get in State. "State" is your internal feelings which result in a physical manifestation and the pumping of adrenaline and other good natural performance enhancers found in your body (naturally). The best state for performing well are Excitement and Confidence. Many people think that they should be relaxed. Wrong. Relax and your opposition will run right by you. Play a particular cd in your car on the way to the fields. Make it one that rocks and pumps you up.
  4. See the Success. Visualize your self succeeding. And, Visualize what you'll look like when you have this high level of success.
  5. Hear the Success. What will being that good sound like? What sounds (internal and external) go with playing at a high level? What do you need to say in you head to propel you forward.
  6. Feel the Success in every cell of your body. *Steps 4,5 and 6 together are your Rehearsal for your success. Rehearse a lot. It really works.
  7. Anchor this state so that you can easily recall it at any time you need it. I recommend using something like a closed fist gesture pulling in to yourself with and auditory "yes" for maximum effect. Eventually, all you'll need to do is fire off (do the gesture and say :yes") the anchor and you'll immediately return to your resourceful state.

Good luck. Play well. Have fun. If you think you need help with this, send me an email. We'll arrange a time for you to talk to me in person or on the phone.

John Hudome, DCH

"Workout and eat as if your life depended on it."

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Philadelphia Daily News Podcast #1

I sat down today to write a different blog than this one. It occured to me that I hadn't commented on my "Podcast" experience from last week and that I wanted to. So, I'll save the other topic and post it a couple of days from now.

On Monday, March 13, I had the pleasure of recording a health and fitness podcast with fitness guru Kimberly Garrison at the offices of the Philadelphia Daily News. I sincerely wish to thank Kimberly for her generosity in inviting me to participate. What a fun experience. It's been about 7 or 8 years since I recorded my last set of hypnosis tapes and about 26 years since I last played in a band and performed in public. Being behind a microphone was exciting once again. I hope to do it again soon.

The content of the podcast focused on, utilizing your mind in assisting you to achieve the fitness, diet and body goals that you've set. Yeah, sounds like a winner to me. Your mind really does participate in your personal achievement.

They titled the podcast "The wisdom of Popeye." Now slow down. I'm not Popeye. I referenced how self-esteem is really at the heart of all personal achievement (or personal problems) and that the ideal is to take the position "I am what I am." This was a saying used regularly by Popeye in the old cartoons that I watched as a child. And you thought Popeye was only selling spinach?

You can listen to the podcast at Kimberly Garrison's Girlfriend's Locker Room. Just click the link and you should be good to go.

Thanks again, Kimberly. You're a champ. It really is about lifting each other up and supporitng everybody's success.

John Hudome, DCH
"Workout and eat as if your life depended on it."

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Three Steps to Achievement

I meet with people every day who have great ideas, or the best intentions, or put into action ideas that don't seem to develop into anything. Are you one of these people? Relax if you are. We've all fallen into this category at one time or another.

Three simple steps can help you to reach your goals.
  1. Intention: Clearly set in your mind on what exactly your intention is. Think about it, clearly. For example, "to eat today in a way that will make me feel good, have energy, and achieve my weight loss/gain and fitness goals; to eat lean proteins, fats and carbs in proper proportions to look the way I want to look." Picture what that body looks like in the form you want it to be.
  2. Planning: All success happens through proper planning. A plan is a thought out and executable strategy. For example: Cook extra food the night before. Take food to work with you. Decide ahead of time how often and when you need to eat.
  3. Action: TAKE ACTION. This means, do something. You have to act on your good idea to make it a reality. For example: Take food to work. Post an eating schedule where you can see it. Set your watch or cell phone alarm to go off every three hours to remind you to eat. Then, eat, properly.

Good luck and have fun.

John Hudome, DCH

"Workout and eat as if your life depended on it."