Sunday, June 18, 2006

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone!

That's right, get out of that comfort zone of yours. We all live in what I call our "comfort zone." This is nothing more than the familiar. It's the stuff and the life and way of living that you've always know.

But if you stay there, you don't grow. You don't learn. And, worst of all, your dreams may not come true. That's right, your dreams are outside of the daily familiar. They're outside of the "comfort zone."

Human instinct is to retreat to the safety of the zone when we feel dis-comfort. I'm telling you to do it differently. Here are your new steps:
  1. Do something new or different toward achieving your particular goal.
  2. Feel the dis-comfort.
  3. Reframe the feeling from "oh no" to "Alright, this means I'm growing and achieving my desired goal."
  4. Get excited
  5. Take a deep breath and KEEP GOING!

Step outside that zone and make it all happen. Remember, life is an adventure. What's an adventure without a little excitement?

John Hudome, DCH

"Workout and eat as if your life depended on it."

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