Sunday, June 11, 2006

Templates and Paradigms

We acquire life Templates and Paradigms early in childhood. These are the beliefs by which we operate our lives, for better or worse. Sometimes these are useful and empowering. Often, however, they are limiting or disabiling.

I'll write more extensively later. I want to plant some seeds for now. You have Templates and Paradigms about everything. Let's just look at Templates and Paradigms about Aging. Consider the following false but common Limiting Beliefs (Templates or Paradigms) which influence people's behavior and choices:
  1. Everybody gains weight as they get older.
  2. You slow down as you get older.
  3. You can't build muscle when you get older.
  4. 50 is old.
  5. Old means... (lots of limitations).
  6. Men can't get erections after a certain age.

These are but a few. Consider the following more empowering thought patterns.

  1. I can maintain a great body and healthy weight for my entire life.
  2. I intend to go strong my whole life.
  3. I see older guys at the gym building great bodies and I will to.
  4. 50 is the new 30 and I feel great.
  5. Old is other people, not me. I feel young and vibrant.
  6. My unit works better than ever (and I'm more skilled with it than when I was younger).

Do you see the difference? Did you feel the difference as you read them? Even if they made you laugh, could you feel it or sense it? Do it. Live it. Create and say empowering self-statements daily. Make your life happen the way you want it to, not the way they said it should.

John Hudome, DCH

"Workout and eat as if your life depended on it."

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