Monday, July 10, 2006

How to Set Goals Effectively

Goal setting, it all starts here. Doesn't it? This is very important. Because if you don't set goals effectively, you'll likely not reach them.

So because of this being so important, Ive decided to change my approach a little bit. My feedback from friends and colleagues has been, "your blogs (articles to some) are good but sometimes too long." So I'm taking the ADD approach and writing a little at a time. I'll put some up every day, or every other day, or every third day, kinda like a kid with ADD.

So, here goes...
  1. Set your goals high enough that they are compelling, worth going for. But not too high that you'll get discouraged and quit before you reach them.

Example: I received a call from a woman one day who asked about my weight loss services. I asked what her height and weight was. She said, "5'4" and 190lbs." I asked what she wanted to weigh. She said, "I'd like to be around 150 (with wimpy tonality)." I said, "that doesn't sound like it excites you. What would you really like to weigh?" and she said without hesitation and excitement in her voice, "130, I'd really like to weigh 130. I know I would look great at 130."

We agreed on a goal of 130lbs. She got it. The rest is history.

John Hudome, DCH

"Workout, eat and live as if your life depended on it."

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