Friday, May 12, 2006

3 Questions to Stave Off Cravings and Impulses

This is a risky one to write about. There really shouldn't be any "bad" foods. But, to me there are. "Bad" to me means foods that hinder me in getting to or maintaining the goals and body that I want and deserve. This being said, here are three strategies for dealing with the desire or ipulse to consume something "bad."
It happens to all of us. We get a thought of a food. Or, we go to a party and there it is, laid out in front of us. Or, we meet friends for coffee or lunch and they're eating the very thing we've been jonsing for but haven't given in to. Here's what to do.
  1. Ask yourself the question. "Which lasts longer, the feeling I get from eating that thing, or the feeling I get from walking around all day long in the body I want?" Obviously the feeling from the body lasts all day and the feeling from the food is momentary and fleeting.
  2. Ask yourself the question. "What would happen if I didn't (or don't) eat that?" Generally other than feeling good about yourself, nothing will happen.
  3. Ask yourself the question. "How will I feel an hour after eating this?" Usually people answer "guilty, bloated, badly, etc."

If nothing else, these questions will allow the craving or impulse to subside and you'll be able to make smart choices. A "smart choice" is one that is in line with getting you to your goals. So start questioning.

John Hudome, DCH

"Workout and eat as if your life depended on it."

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