Friday, May 05, 2006

4 Ideas for Warmer Weather Fitness

If you're living in the northeastern part of the country as I am, you may be enjoying the change in the weather. This means that you may not want to spend as much time in the gym as you did during those dank, dark days of winter. Here are some suggestions for alternate fitness oriented activities that will get you out of the house and living a fitness oriented lifestyle:
  1. Bicycle. Great cardio and you can do it for hours. You'll meet people and be outside. It's low impact and good on the joints. The outfits aren't bad to look at either.
  2. Walking. Try a "nature walk" through a pictuesque park. You can bird watch, people watch or just enjoy the solitude. You can do this in a quiet area or in mid-town Manhattan. Walk Central Park in the early part of the day and see a show later. There's nothing better.
  3. Swim. Yeah, pool season is here. Do some laps and get a tan at the same time.
  4. Gardening. This can be a fun and rewarding endeavor. Not necessarily cardio in nature, but rewarding nonetheless and you home will be more beautiful.

These are just some suggestions. You'll think of more.

John Hudome, DCH

"Workout and eat as if your life depended on it."

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