Saturday, February 25, 2006

"Flab to Fab Challenge" Presentation

I was fortunate enough today to give a brief (90 minute) presentation to the "Flab to Fab Challenge" contestants at 12th Street Gym. The challenge is sponsored by Channel 3 in Philadelphia and the Philadelphia Daily News. It' always such an awesome experience to talk to people about fitness, motivation and overall life success. This group is soooo energetic and wide-eyed with enthusiasm. Little do they know, I get as much from presenting to them as they get from hearing me. We covered Beliefs, Altering Food Prefenences, Motivation and Setting Compelling Goals. Let's hope and expect that they will all be propelled toward their repective outcomes. And let's REALLY hope that they find all the happiness that they deserve.

John Hudome, DCH
"Workout and eat as if your life depended on it"

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