Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Mike Barnacle, You're Right (I mean Correct)

Although this topic is a diversion from "Fitness Motivation," I think it bears covering. I was listening to, and watching, Mike Barnacle on the "Imus Show" on MSNBC this morning. I was finishing some cardio work in the Cardio Theatre at the gym. Pardon me, Mr. Barnacle, if I misquote. You said "we are better than the people who lead us." Meaning, the American people are better people that the leaders of our great country. His context was the topic of individual Americans giving money and time to help the wounded Iraq War veterens. and giving more, he contends, than the government who sent them there in the first place. I don't know the details or stats behind this. But I was moved by the comment enough to write about it. I couldn't agree more with you Mr. Barnacle and I applaud your eloquence in stating it.

This isn't new, however. America isn't the government or the elected officials. America is it's people, all of us. America is me, you and the everyday guy and woman on the street. America isn't blow-jobs in the White House or back-door deals with business associates by politicians for personal gain. Those things can't be excused from the American landscape but we can't let them define us. We're much more that that. I choose to believe that we have not yet fully tapped into the greatness that is America. By looking at our flaws as well as our positives we can be certain to be propelled into the future as a true world leader for all the right reasons.

Keep up the good work Mr. Barnacle. I enjoy your commentary. We are better that our leaders.

John Hudome, DCH

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