Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Heads Up

Well, I'm still talking to people. And I hope that you've taken my advice and you're talking to people too. Not just at the gym but everywhere. My buddy Rob said to me "blog that. No, seriously, blog that." So here it is.

When doing dead lifts or any other exercise involving the lower back, proper form is important. Ask a trainer or an employee of your gym to show you proper form. Most importantly when performing any dead lift type of exercise where the lower back is involved and you bend at the waist, keep your eyes up. This insures that your head is stable and elevated and your back doesn't strain. These types exercises can easily result in injury if your form isn't correct. And just another suggestion, don't do too much weight. Form is more important than the amount of weight. So look in the mirror and keep your eyes on your eyes in the mirror for safe weight training.

John Hudome, DCH
"Workout and eat as if your life depended on it."


Anonymous said...

It's just such a good tip! Glad you put it out there...


Anonymous said...

It's just such a good tip! Glad you put it out there...
