Monday, February 06, 2006

6 Secrets to Successful Motivation, Part 2

So I hope that you've read, enjoyed and most importantly utilized the first three Secrets. Here are the next three.

Secret #4, Use Role Models as Inspiration and as Guides!
This may sound simplistic and it is. As children we automatically knew to do this. As adults we sometimes don't remember this and we try to go it alone. Choose people as models who already have a quality (or all of the qualities, although this is highly unlikely) that you want to develop in yourself. This doesn't mean that you want to be, or even be just like this person in every aspect. It means that you see them doing something or demonstrating a trait or skill that you're wanting to have yourself.

Consider the way the model looks, behaves as well as the values and beliefs that the model demonstrates. Keep in mind that you don't have to like everything about the model. I have many models that I use for specific traits that I like. And I don't want some of the models other traits. Let me give you some examples of just a few that I use.
  • Pat Croce: For his seemingly unending enthusiasm. I consider Pat if I need a little boost.
  • Anthony Robbins: For his energy, creativity, positive attitude and seeming love of life.
  • Donald Trump: For his brass balls and unflinching pursuit of what he wants and believes. I consider "The Donald" just prior to entering any room where I have a professional meeting or negotiation.
  • Martha Stewart: For the dignified way she handled the adversity of going to jail. If I handle adversity like her I would be pretty darn good. And as an aside, I think that if she had been a man she wouldn't have done any time.

Now, that's just a few of mine. You need to choose your own. Use them as inspiration.

Secret #5, Embrace Failure as the Ultimate Learning Tool.

Successful people see failure as a necessary event on the road to achieving any goal. They expect failures on any path to a successful end. Successful people learn from these and they make them better because of them. Unsuccessful people get halted by failure. You get to choose which is you.

Secret #6, Set Compelling Goals.

Goals need to really, really drive you. If you set "ho hum" goals you will start, and likely never finish. And why would you? They aren't worth going for. Set goals that really knock your socks off. If it's compelling, you will be propelled toward it at an unrelenting pace. I will write a separate article about this very soon. I think it's that important.

So there you have it, my 6 Secrets to Successful Motivation. Enjoy and utilize them. Let me know how you're doing with them.

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