Friday, April 28, 2006

How to Prevent "Workout Burnout"

Lots of people start to workout. And lots of people stop working out. Many of the ones who stop suffer "Workout Burnout." Here are some suggestions for preventing Workout Burnout.
  1. Set Goals. These should inspire you. Once you reach them, set new ones.
  2. Vary your routine. Change it up every 4-6 weeks. Hire a trainer if you don't know how to do this.
  3. Add FUN to your routines and workouts. Do group activities on your own, with neighbors or at your gym.
  4. Take a break from working out; but only for 3, 4 or 5 days. Sometimes an intentional vacation from your gym or routine can be just what your body needs.

These may seem obvious but many people don't know how to keep it fresh.

John Hudome, DCH

"Workout and eat as if your life depended on it."

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