Sunday, April 16, 2006

Reward Yourself!

Ok, so how's it going? How's what going? Your holiday eating, how's it going? Hopefully, you've thought about my last blog and you prepared, planned and ate in moderation. And since the day isn't over, you can do well from this point forward.

Motivation is really nothing more than propelling yourself toward your goals. In this case, toward your fitness and healthy lifestyle goals. Too many people whom I meet think that food is their only choice for rewarding themselves. Isn't that great body you want a reward also? Isn't it an even longer lasting, more satisfying reward? I think so. Therefore, everytime you may consider eating anything today, picture that body that you are striving to achieve. THAT is the reward. You deserve it. You can have it. And you can feel GREAT about it. Reward yourself with a great body.

John Hudome, DCH
"Workout and eat as if your life depended on it."

P.S. Take a walk before dinner or at some time during the day. Move that body.

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