Thursday, April 27, 2006

How to Stay on Course on the Weekend

I hear a lot of people say, "I do well all week and then... the weekend." Too many people fall off their program on weekends. You can stay on you program and have fun on the weekend. Follow these guidelines and you'll be fine.
  1. Plan your eating as you do during the week. Be sure to have access to smart choices.
  2. Pick a cheat day. Pick one day on the weekend when you'll have just one thing that isn't part of your program. Such as, a muffin or bagel at breakfast; popcorn at the movies; or pizza or a sandwich (burger) for dinner. You can't "cheat" the whole weekend or all day. But a "cheat day" with one "off the program" item is a good idea. My trainer taught me this years ago and he's right.
  3. Keep the picture of your desired outcome (that hot body) with you throughout the weekend. Make all of your choices based on the outcome.
  4. Log your food into a jounal. I use and I love it (This doesn't work for Mac users. Look around, there is one.). It's fast, easy and quite educational. Stay aware of just what your intake is.

Good luck and have a great weekend. Remember, the ultimate reward is getting to walk around and live it that great body.

John Hudome, DCH

"Workout and eat as if your life depended on it."

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